The average house price on HEATH MEWS is £861,672
The most expensive house in the street is 5 HEATH MEWS with an estimated value of £1,037,606
The cheapest house in the street is 3 HEATH MEWS with an estimated value of £467,044
The house which was most recently sold was 2 HEATH MEWS, this sold on 15 Aug 2018 for £639,950
The postcode for HEATH MEWS is GU23 6EH
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 HEATH MEWS Terraced £943,201 £430,000 15 Dec 2003
2 HEATH MEWS Terraced £797,416 £639,950 15 Aug 2018
3 HEATH MEWS Terraced £467,044 £350,000 21 Oct 2016
5 HEATH MEWS Detached £1,037,606 £459,950 31 Oct 2003
6 HEATH MEWS Semi-Detached £974,264 £410,000 27 Jun 2003
7 HEATH MEWS Semi-Detached £950,501 £400,000 27 Jun 2003